Thursday, 9 June 2011

Finding the Perfect Canoe

I first searched for the perfect boat.  One that was in need of repairs, but not so destroyed that I would be basically starting from scratch.  I found the perfect canoe in Gatineau, Quebec, about an hour's drive from my home.  Not only did this boat have character, but it also had history.  The canoe was made in Huntsville, ON, just south of Algonquin Provincial Park, by Northland Canoe Company in the early 1970's by a man named Mr. Albert Maw.  This canoe company designed canoes that were very well suited to the rough terrain of Algonquin Park.  What made this company stand out from the crowd was their unique for the time technique of replacing the traditional canvas with fiberglass, thus creating a much lighter boat.  An unfortunate fire took place in 1995 which put the Northland Canoe Company out of business, although it's been rumored that Mr. Albert Maw is still repairing and restoring canoes near his home in Novar, Ontario.  The canoe was used for many years by the family whom purchased it until it got old and tired and was replaced by a number of other canoes.  It was left unattended for a number of years until the family was downsizing.  Now it's time to breath new life into this old beautiful canoe.  The following photographs are of the boat in it's current condition.  Over the next few months I will work on bringing the canoe back to her former glory and documenting my experience for others to follow.


  1. Andrew, it's no rumour...Albert is still building canoes east of Novar, Ontario.

  2. Andrew, how's the restoration coming along? Should you wish Albert's address/information I can provide that. I'd also recommend Roy MacGregor's newest book "CANOE COUNTRY The making of Canada". Would love to see the after pictures. Garry

  3. I'm taking mine to Albert tomorrow - he's still going strong at 80...

    1. Bruce, somehow I missed your post in March. I last saw Albert in 2012. I hope to get back up next summer (2017). Albert owns the land my gr grandfather purchased in Dec 1893. I don't know if gr-grandad built the house but I think he built the barn behind Albert's house. Garry

  4. Just a Question I inherited my girlfriends, cedar strip canoe that Albert built I think in 76. barely ever used and stored in a carage. It is still in Mint condition ... any ideas on price, as I really cant use it anymore.

  5. Just a Question I inherited my girlfriends, cedar strip canoe that Albert built I think in 76. barely ever used and stored in a carage. It is still in Mint condition ... any ideas on price, as I really cant use it anymore.

    1. Are you in the Huntsville area? You should ask Albert himself what it's worth...depends what the market will bear.

  6. where are you in the project at this point

    1. Good evening Big Creek, it appears Andrew has been silent since his first post, on his blog 9 June 2011. No response from "Unknown" either. Strange...

  7. I have one built by the same fellow. im aiming to restore date I have one of the gunwales off, the fiberglass off and the keel...the upper ribs on some parts have some serious rot...that will be the hardest part to work on I believe

    1. Good luck with that restoration. If you're close to Novar, Ontario you could take it to the builder, Albert, and ask his advice.

  8. hi you have alberts tel number etc? does he have email . I plan to get hold of him to see if he can give me a lead on where to get materials..jim

  9. Jim, did you get my reply? Maybe it's being held up for moderation.


  10. Jim, I sent this (attempted to) but I don't think it took. Here's the info you requested. Garry

    Good evening Jim, not sure if Albert has an e-mail but here is the info you need: he might even be able to sell you what you need...I'm not sure. As a piece of history, Albert now owns the land my grgreat grandfather Henry Pagetbought on Dec 6, 1892...100 acres...$250.00. I may have already mentioned that. Cheers, Garry Paget.

    Albert Maw 705-789-2481

    P.O. Box 14
    NOVAR, Ontario
    P0A 1R0

    67 Maw Hill Rd
    NOVAR, Ontario
    P0A 1R0

  11. I have found one near Ottawa that needs working- hoping to see it in a few days

    1. Good luck with that Grant. Do you plan on doing the restoration yourself? Garry

  12. I was gifted a Northland 15'6" canoe. was told it was custom made for the previous owner. Sadly it laid on top of a woodpile for decades. Im in the prcess of stipping the fibreglass off. Some ribs have a bit of rot at the ends. Needs new gunnels as well. A labour of love this winter for me.

  13. fwiw that was our canoe! My parents bought it new from albert in the 70's I think. they gave it to a neighbour when they downsized/moved and I guess it found it's way to you. Glad that it is still being used and congrats on the restoration. Reid

  14. I c your business is still going lol uncle Albert good

  15. I am just starting to rebuild a 14’2” Albert Maw, not sure what model it is. Planking is still very tight and only one bad rotted plank, 21 broken ribs, so a bit of a chore! Impressive joinery though. I’m thinking I will canvas it. Will post pictures on Instagram, garys_canvas_canoes

  16. I just posted a blog-I visited Mr. Albert Maw in 2021. He appeared in good health and was still working!
